Choreography are movement phrases . Sections of  choreography placed  together can be used to create a movement story. Any book or story that you may be reading or studying can be broken down into a movement story beginning middle and end.

The opening paragraph is start position or held move.

The middle paragraph is this supporting idea or main section of movement.

And the ending paragraph is the finished position or move.

Dancing is creating movement pathways kinaesthetically experienced sequence of movements


Autumn is a great stimulus both physically and emotionally the weather is usually wet colder perhaps windy and darker

In this ready to use teaching plan for mixed ages. The children are taken on imaginary of autumnal walk while developing their observational skills and exercising creative movement


Children will develop skills in making observations and creative movement. Use props such as long pieces material or coloured scarves. Collect Autumnal objects leaves, acorns, conkers and seed pods.

In advance, on a windy autumnal day draw the children’s attention to the weather. Look out the window together, ask questions such as what’s happening outside today? what is making the puddles?  look at the way the trees are moving in the wind.

Help children to notice the rain and the wind look how slowly the rain is falling in which direction is it falling ?.

How does it feel when it touches your face?

What is making the leaves move on the trees?

Look how the leaves move in the wind


Simple warm up activity.

Talk about pulling on boots gloves scarves and hats to go outside. Stretching out the arms and kegs to put on the various pieces of clothing. Once fully clothed,  outside can you scuff or kick the leaves Around,  you can you jump into wellies can you pretend to hold up an umbrella and spin around on the spot imagine your body is a branch of the tree in the wind waving side to side matching your hands the leaves of the trees floating and swishing in a zig zag moves to the floor

Use this autumnal poem to create Movements

All the leaves falling down

Falling falling to the ground,

The wind goes swish right through the air,

Blows leaves round everywhere,


Tell the children that going to pretend to be the leaves falling to the ground. Dance around moving their bodies to the music think about twisting turning spinning spiralling use full body actions. At the end of the music or at the end of the poem everyone falls to the ground as if a big pile of leaves

Next add material or scarfs to elongate the actions of the children to help them to  lengthen their arms Talk about extending through the body creating flowing movements through the material & arms


Using the dried autumnal items, Sycamore seeds, leaves, acorns, and conkers

Get the children to create the shapes of the leaves with their bodies either standing up or on the floor

Get the children to go into small groups or pair up try again creating shapes of the leaves


Demonstrate how the leaves drop, hold a leaf up high, and then allow it to drop to the floor, repeat this a couple of times so that the children can observe how the leaf moves through the air from high to low. Get the children to use words to describe the movement of leaves. Does the leaf fall suddenly? do they just drop, or do they float? do they spiral? Really try to discuss movement qualities and use movement type words and phrases