As we move forward into relaxing lockdown, gyms and Dance studios open as of today.DanceLady reflects on her lockdown and her journey through strange times.

I and my family are so lucky and grateful that we have had a comparatively easy and stress-free lockdown compared to others. We are fortunate enough to have a garden and easily accessible outdoor areas to access. My immediate family and friends are so far all well and have not been affected by the Corna virus illness.

My biggest challenges have been homeschooling my 8 yr old son (to be fair he has been great ) and continuing the DanceLady business.

In regards to homeschooling, the need for regular movement and physical interaction was apparent from the start. My son can concentrate well for 30-45mins but after that, just needs to Run around !, and it’s not just us! During a recent webinar via AFPE they have discovered the same information via parents that had been polled, parents realizing how important an energy break/movement moment was an integral part of the day.

Thankfully I was able to continue a limited amount of my Dance fitness classes via Zoom. Dance/Movement has again been my savior. My regular zoom classes have given me some level of normality, a purpose. I have felt enormous gratitude, and love from my clients who have joined me on the screen, we have giggled and moved around our front rooms & kitchens just like we would have done if in the venue we would normally dance in.

Dance and exercise have played a big part in the lockdown story, we have seen Ballet Dancers performing in their homes, OAPs walking … and raising millions of pounds for charity. And as for TicTok !!! families  and celebrities spending hours learning and perfecting dance routines and posting them on to social media to be viewed millions  of times

Exercise /movement has been something the government has encouraged and wanted us to do. We have been encouraged to move to improve! , out mental health & physical health. Now the current government message is  “workout to help out: ie get the gyms, boot camps, classes. studios etc back up and running to kickstart the economy again.

The need to keep moving, exercising, and being healthy is a big message that the government is encouraging as evidence has shown that obesity is a major risk factor towards Covid-19 and can increase complications during treatment towards Covid .

So moving forward towards the new normal DanceLady will still be Dancing ..but in a new normal!  My business model will be a hybrid one with a mixture of online virtual and physical classes. During Lockdown I created 2 new Dance stretch classes that have been extremely successful and so I will be definitely continuing those sessions.

Delivering Dance in schools will look very different. Currently, there are no after school clubs in many of my schools, and some schools choosing not to have external providers coming in and out of schools which are all understandable measures. DanceLady hopes to continue with her classes and teachers via Zoom, as long as we can see each other and move around a space then there is no stopping us from using Dance and movement to learn.

I am so grateful that AGAIN my love of movement, exercise, and Dance has got me through and continues to aid me in challenging times.