The DanceLady has been inspired by the hugely popular Baking program The Great British Bake Off.

Let’s make a Dance Cake!.

Get your class to stand in a circle like a huge mixing bowl. Firstly start with the essential ingredients

Pour in a cup of Milk = Children run into the center of the circle with long arms as if they are pouring

4 Eggs = 4 Jumps on the spot.

Sieve in some flour. = Shake arms and legs and twist around on the spot.

A spoonful of Sugar = Bend knees and lower body down sweeping arms forward at the same time.


Whisk the ingredients together = Running on the spot, and moving around within the circle.

Get the children to add their own ingredient, sprinkles, jam, chocolate buttons, raisins etc. The more bizarre the better! Each ingredient has its own movement quality, so get each child to create their own specific move for example Chocolate buttons are spins on the spot.

Ask the children to find a space. It’s time to cook the cakes!!.

To Microwave the cakes each child spins slowly on the spot rising slowly!.

To Oven bake the cakes each child lies flat and then slowly rises to stand by either moving arms first, legs or any other part of the body.


You as the cook/Baker have to test to see if the cake is cooked and not soft in the middle, the kids love this bit as I walk around and poke them in their tummies!!.

The cakes are ready when all the children are stood up tall and ready to eat