World Book day
Here are some short simple Dance /movement ideas inspired by books
Funny Bones by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
This classic story about a Skeleton family has a fantastic opening scene-setting. Using the keywords get the children to create the moves for the action words, either individually or in groups. Hill, create a shape with the body of a hill, some children will create gymnastic Bridge type shapes or Yoga Down Dog position. For the word Town, create Building shapes, arms could be used as windows, legs as doors, chimneys, etc, working as a pair or small group would make it easier to create the shapes. For the word Street, have the buildings positioned in a line opposite each other. The word Staircase has always been the children’s favourite! as it usually involves students trying to create height and steps, created by balancing with each other!
For this music accompaniment, I recorded one of the students narrating the opening paragraph, reading slowly so that the performers could move in and out of the various word actions. For an upbeat track, we used Spooky Scary Skeletons. Suitable for Yrs 3/4/5/6
The Iron Man
Suitable for Yrs 4/5/6
Suggested music. Jamiroquai Deeper Underground or any industrial robotic type music
The theme for Iron Man is “Coming alive “, building a Robot machine out of scrap metal. Use stimuli words as Big, Stomping movements, slow heavy and powerful to create robotic Iron man type movements. Add actions words such as Push-Pull, Lift and drag Use a transformer toy as visual stimuli to help clarify the actions motions and dynamics add other actions words such as Click, rotate, twist and fold.
Georges Marvellous Medicine.
Suitable for Yrs 3/4/5/6
Suggested music Santana Black Magic Women
Get the children to choose a Roald Dahl word from the book, spizzing, popping, whizzing etc. Get them to create a simple action for that word for example Whizzing = Run forward X 4 Spin on the spot Jump up and finish sitting down with hands stretched out.
Once they have decided on an action get the children to stand in a circle representing the big saucepan George used. Each child takes in turn to perform the word action
.Elmer the Elephant David Mckee
Suitable for Yrs 1/2/3
Suggested music Henri Mancini. Baby Elephant song.
I find the vivid colour and dynamic patterns within the books are great stimuli for movement, especially for the younger age group. Chose 4/5 different colours i.e. Pink, Green Blue etc. For each colour create and demonstrate the movement action for that colour. For example
Green = Twisting on the spot Orange =Jumps up and down etc.
Get the children to move around the space like Elmer the Elephant stretching up with the arms like a trunk, waving arms side to side big plodding type movements. Call out the various colours and the children respond by performing the colour movement i.e. Green –Twisting on the spot. Use coloured material to help associate colour and movement. The other way to use the book is to discuss the patterns on the Elephants and other characters, for example, dots, spots, patches, squares, wiggly lines. Each pattern can be shown with the bodies of the children or movement direction, ie wiggly lines, could be a wiggly line walking forwards, spots could be jumping on the spot, Squares could be a shape made with arms in a sqaure postition.
Chronicles of Narnia
Suitable for Yrs 3/4/5/6/
Suggested music the film Soundtrack music
Start by walking through the snow to get to the forest, how would you walk?
Create a simple action for Forest in Spring, Light floating type movements, soft, delicate and cheerful. Contrast with Forest in Winter, sharp, spiky, pointed and harsh. As the White Witch and Aslan start to battle get the children to move around in a circle to create a whirlpool representing the changes in Narnia add leaps rolls jumps and turns, on teacher command stop the whirlpool movement. The battle of Aslan and the White Witch can commence using a short battle sequence that you as the teacher determine including jumping, ducking lunging forwards and rolling on the floor NON-CONTACT.
The Gruffalo
Suitable for Yrs 1/2/3/4
Suggested music. Music from the Gruffalo soundtrack.
Each animal has a specific piece of music. Create movements for Owl music, which may include swooping, sweeping, hovering, and standing still with arms folded across chest. The snake would start coiled up in a tight ball, he slowly uncoils, sliding and slithering around the room. Choreography each piece of animal character music and perform each individually.
Room on the Broom
Suitable for Yrs 3/4/5
Demonstrate the various actions first.
Hat= Stand in a wide leg position. Arms above head in a triangle position.
Cat = Make the angry cat a yoga-type position. on all fours arched back
Witches Broom = 2 kids stand behind each, pretending to be flying on the broom
Witches Plait = All children create one long line, standing behind each other, as if a Plait of hair!
The above movement qualities require a different response i.e. remembering an action, finding a partner etc.
Get the children to move around the room in different directions. Call out the above actions.
The children may be able to create their own actions for the remaining characters i.e. The Cauldron The wand, etc
Cauldron. (similar to Georges Marvellous Medicine Lesson suggestion)
In a seated circle, creating a cauldron shape. Each child has a go at entering the circle and preforming an action or movement that would create a spell. Use descriptive words such as Bubbling, frothing, hocus pocus, stirring, and the words from the book Iggety, ziggety, ziggety, Zoom!
Room on the Broom Relays
You will need a broom handle pole, or something that resembles the witches’ broom
In teams. First child runs up to a line, returns picks up next child. 2 children fly on the broom. Repeat till all team on the broom, or deposit team at the opposite end of the room
Here are my links to some Dancing Books sessions that I did alongside Wiltshire Libraries as part of the Summer Reading challenge during the lockdown, as you can see it was a lot of fun ! and we brought reading alive with moving words !! in the Bathroom and the Kitchen !! Bathroom Boogie and Kitchen Disco Clare Foges and Al Murphy
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